Tag Archives: musical

The Family Reviews 101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure

101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure


Pete: After the first few minutes of this film I thought it was going to be an animated musical over-kill. Fortunately they held back on the majority of the music until the closing credits. It turned out to be a very cute and adorable film with a great message for everyone. I’d recommend sipping on Almanac Beer Company’s Dogpatch Sour Barrel Aged Wild Ale whilst watching this film with dog lovers. Loved this shot too!

Thunderbolt has an idea

Brigette: Great little sequel to 101 Dalmatians. Highly recommended to children from large families who feel a bit neglected at times or to children who have a difficult time differentiating TV from reality. I really loved Martin Short as the voice of Lars and encourage you to try you hand at some spotty art that would drive Cruella Deville mad!


Morgan: This film focused on Patch and his admiration for his favorite TV star: Thunderbolt. I sort of preferred the first film but this one wasn’t bad either. There’s plenty of action and comedy through the whole film so the whole family can enjoy it.

Gable: I much preferred this film over the first one. It had a very meaningful message and I suggest it to all small children with huge idols and any actors or wannabes. It was a very cute and meaningful story with adorable visuals and some funny parts here and there. Perfect for everyone and anyone. I highly recommend it!

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The Family Reviews On A Clear Day You Can See Forever

On A Clear Day You Can See Forever


Pete: A visual delight with an awesome cast; this ended up being a really great film. The only issue I had with it was the musical component. I would like to see if it would still work with the songs deleted. This would also save about 20 minutes. I’d recommend any beer with a pleasant floral aroma, but this one in particular: Butternuts Beer & Ale’s ESP (English Special Pale).

The opening credits were fantastic.

On A Clear Day open-credits-1 On A Clear Day open-credits-2On A Clear Day open-credits-3On A Clear Day open-credits-4

And the architectural delights were many.

On A Clear Day Casino On A Clear Day Daisy apt-1On A Clear Day Daisy Green HouseOn A Clear Day Dr Chabot office deskOn A Clear Day Dr Chabot office spiral libraryOn A Clear Day med school interiorOn A Clear Day NYC 1On A Clear Day NYC 2On A Clear Day Royal Pavilion Brighton exteriorOn A Clear Day Royal Pavilion Brighton interior
Brigette: I get it, Barbara Streisand has a phenomenal voice. But do so many of her films have to be musicals? She’s a phenomenal actress, too! Unfortunately, she often plays man-chasing, self-deprecating characters that make me want to strangle myself with a tie as well. She does get a chance to show off her strong female side as Melinda from one of her past lives. But she is still chasing a man and there is a super cringe-worthy “making love with your eyes” scene as well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Her style is impeccable, as usual, and so is the style of the whole film. I now have requests for pyjamas that match the bedsheets! Also, a highly entertaining bit of acting from a very young Jack Nicholson. This was actually a very complex, multi-layered film which I probably would have enjoyed a lot more if there hadn’t been any singing.

On A Clear Day Jack Nicholson

Morgan: This film was interesting, confusing and stylish all at once! A perfect film for those who are fans of Barbra Streisand, musicals, very chić fashion and floral print everything. It’s long but good.

Gable: This film had a very interesting and unique storyline, which I quite enjoyed. It also had adorable fashion that matched the rest of the outfit and Daisy’s bedding. I am a fan of both Barbara Streisand and the idea of reincarnation, which made this film all the more interesting for me. I suggest to everyone, especially those who don’t know what reincarnation is or don’t believe in it.

On A Clear Day Daisy apt-2 bed-pj-match

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The Family Reviews Frozen



Describe it in 25 words or less.

Pete: Anna helps her older sister, Elsa, overcome the internal fears she has of possessing magical powers that freezes everything.

Brigette: A young girl must help her sister overcome her fears.

Morgan: Anna must find her older sister to save their kingdom from being in a constant wintery state and to understand the meaning of true love.

Gable: Princess Anna ventures into the wilderness in search of her sister, Elsa, who she hopes will bring the kingdom out of eternal winter.

Any particular reason for choosing this film?

Brigette: We watch every Disney film that comes out.


Pete: Animated/Musical

Brigette: Disney/Animation/Drama

Morgan: Disney/Musical/Action/Family

Gable: Family/Animated/Romance/Comedy/Adventure

Who was your favorite character and why?

Pete: Olaf because of all the laughs he provided.

Brigette: Anna because of her purity of spirit.

Morgan: Olaf because he always found something to be happy about.

Gable: Elsa because I felt bad for her.

Who was your least favorite character and why?

Pete: Hans because his sideburns made him look untrustworthy.

Brigette: Hans because he wasn’t genuine.

Morgan: Elsa because she lived her life entirely in fear but I also didn’t like Prince Hans because he was a liar.

Gable: Hans because he was a show-off.

Did it grab you immediately or did it take a while?

Pete: It grabbed me very early on and keep my interest throughout.

Brigette: I felt like this film had been a little over-hyped, but after watching it, I now think it’s the Disney film with the best message.

Morgan: Before I even watched it, I felt like it was too popular and over-hyped and I wasn’t looking forward to seeing it because it was everywhere I looked and I was tired of it. But in the end, I ended up quite liking it.

Gable: I had been looking forward to it for ages and I was really excited to see it. At the very start it was an adorable film but then it developed into an intense and somewhat saddening film, peppered with comedic lines.

Favorite quote:

Pete: “Oh look at that, I’ve been impaled.” – Olaf

Brigette & Morgan: “People make bad choices if they’re mad or scared or stressed.” – sung by the trolls

Gable: “Some people are worth melting for.” – Olaf

What would you change?

Brigette: The opening/closing song sounded too much like The Lion King and I felt like this was one of the worst put-together Disney films I’ve seen in a long time. It was almost as if a lot of different people did a lot of little pieces and then they had to figure out a way to fit them together which I think they did a poor job of.

Gable: The musical part of the whole thing was a bit annoying. If the singing was just toned down a little bit, it would have been 100%.

How was the soundtrack?

Brigette: You can hear every note on YouTube here but be warned it is big-time earworm material.

How does the film compare to the book?

Brigette: The one thing I love about Disney retellings is how they make stories that may not really be geared to kids and turn them into films that anyone can enjoy.

How was the ending?

Pete: The little twist made it interesting.

Brigette: It didn’t feel right to me, almost like it was an afterthought.

Morgan: Wonderful!

Gable: Like all Disney endings.

What was the moral of the story?

Pete: Always keep the doors of love open.

Brigette: Life is so much better when you approach things with love instead of fear.

Morgan: Love is all you need.

Gable: Love is the only way to undo a horrible mistake.

Who would you recommend it to?

Pete: Fans of Disney or animation.

Brigette: People who are afraid of being themselves.

Morgan: Disney fans, siblings and anyone who believes in love at first sight.

Gable: Sisters and people who fall in love with people they are only slightly interested in.

Color Palette: (Morgan’s specialty)

frozen cp

Won’t Eat Their Cereal Opportunity: Elsa Won’t Eat Her Cereal

Beer pairing: (Pete’s specialty) Kulmbacher’s Reichelbräu Eisbock

Recipe: Chocolate Fondue

Artwork: The Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard

swing frozen art

Craft/Activity: Make some snowflake crafts.

Favorite Architectural Detail: (Pete’s other specialty)
Coronation Chapel in Arendelle

FROZEN archi detail

What was your last act of true love?

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