Tag Archives: Brigette

Brigette Reviews When It Happens To You

When It Happens To You by Molly Ringwald

when it happens to you

To be completely honest, there were two motivations in picking this book. One, was that our library was shutting for a week and the books I’d requested hadn’t come in and in order to meet my fiftyfifty.me goal, I was going to need a book to tide me over. Two, was it was short and I’ve been desperately short on time and thought I could power through it. The fact that it was written by Molly Ringwald was intriguing as well. Unfortunately, it had one of my least favorite subject matters: infidelity. Aside from that it was a refreshingly honest novel (and a quick read as predicted). There were quite a few side stories  introduced throughout the course of the main story that didn’t really go anywhere and I’m still not sure if I’m okay with that or not. Otherwise, I was pleasantly surprised to find that one of the actors of my youth is a fairly wonderful author as well.

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Pete and Brigette Review The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Budapest Hotel


Pete: A totally enthralling film that is as exciting and well executed as it was charming. If I were forced to pick one writer/director as my favorite Wes Andersen would be my prime candidate. In my opinion this is Ralph Fiennes’ finest performance. Extra points for having Harvey Keitel appear without exposing his junk. There was some fantastic architecture, scenery, and models employed in making this film but if I had to pick one, I would have to say the Hotel’s elevator interior. I’d recommend Pipeworks Brewing Company’s Budapest Gambit Imperial Witbeer with this film.


Brigette: Wes Anderson films just make me happy. They have a message of love and they look so pretty. This one is no exception and I think it was one of Ralph Fiennes’ best roles. And the fact that the DVD extra is “How To Make a Courtesan au Chocolat” is the icing on the cake!

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Brigette Reviews Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can’t Stop Talking

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain


I got this book out of curiosity after seen Susan Cain on TED. I am an introvert and I’ve grown very comfortable with myself that way. However, if you feel uncomfortable being an introvert or want to understand the introverts in your life better, then I would definitely recommend this book. I also think it would benefit everyone to better understand the introvert/extrovert symbiotic relationship and how it can change the world.

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The Family Reviews Lassie



Pete: Please do not confuse this film with the extremely boring 1994 film of the same name. All copies of the older version should be destroyed and replaced with this version. A very impressive cast and plot make this one family film that I would recommend without hesitation. Emotionally gripping (I’ll admit to shedding at least a few tears) and intense at times, it featured great cinematography and between the wars setting, making it one of the most visually interesting films I’ve seen in a while. Keep an eye out for the Loch Ness Monster too. My favorite architectural details were the Scottish farmhouse ruins and the Little People Theatre’s gypsy caravan. I’d recommend Bellhaven’s Wee Heavy with this film.



Brigette: This was an unexpectedly depressing film. It has the works: cruelty to animals, sad childhoods, war, loss along with a magnificent cast. Be sure to have tissues ready with this one. And hold your loved ones (four and two-legged) a little tighter.

Morgan: What a tear jerker! The story was bittersweet, there was lots of action and anticipation and there were lots of grab-a-tissue moments. I don’t cry a lot but I think I cried at least twice during this film. My least favorite character would be Mr. Hynes because he was cruel to animals and greedy and my favorite character would have to be Cilla because of her sense and wit. Amazing film. It makes you think about the importance of love between an owner and his dog.

Gable: I thought it was just going to be some rather sweet and heart-warming story but, at first, it was just repeating the same sad events over and over again. Towards the end, it just got even more heart-wrenching and horrible but, luckily, in the end it turned out just fine. If you are known to cry at films, bring a box of tissues with you when you’re going to see the updated version of Lassie.

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Pete and Brigette Review The To Do List

The To Do List

to do list

Pete: In most ways this was a better than expected film. It addressed the issues around sex and relationships whilst growing up in a humorous way, yet gave enough respect to a topic that is often glossed over with too much comedy. I’d recommend it to anyone who is about to finish high school, or has children that are. I’d recommend Moon Dog Brewery’s Perverse Sexual Amalgam Wild Sour Ale with this film. My favorites architectural detail had to be the Boise Pool.

The To Do List Archi Boise Pool

Brigette: This film is like American Pie but the main character is a girl and smart. It was a great film to watch with Pete because it contained humor he enjoyed and I could enjoy the female perspective. And I LOVED the parents in this film! Not enough great parents in films.

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The Family Reviews On A Clear Day You Can See Forever

On A Clear Day You Can See Forever


Pete: A visual delight with an awesome cast; this ended up being a really great film. The only issue I had with it was the musical component. I would like to see if it would still work with the songs deleted. This would also save about 20 minutes. I’d recommend any beer with a pleasant floral aroma, but this one in particular: Butternuts Beer & Ale’s ESP (English Special Pale).

The opening credits were fantastic.

On A Clear Day open-credits-1 On A Clear Day open-credits-2On A Clear Day open-credits-3On A Clear Day open-credits-4

And the architectural delights were many.

On A Clear Day Casino On A Clear Day Daisy apt-1On A Clear Day Daisy Green HouseOn A Clear Day Dr Chabot office deskOn A Clear Day Dr Chabot office spiral libraryOn A Clear Day med school interiorOn A Clear Day NYC 1On A Clear Day NYC 2On A Clear Day Royal Pavilion Brighton exteriorOn A Clear Day Royal Pavilion Brighton interior
Brigette: I get it, Barbara Streisand has a phenomenal voice. But do so many of her films have to be musicals? She’s a phenomenal actress, too! Unfortunately, she often plays man-chasing, self-deprecating characters that make me want to strangle myself with a tie as well. She does get a chance to show off her strong female side as Melinda from one of her past lives. But she is still chasing a man and there is a super cringe-worthy “making love with your eyes” scene as well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Her style is impeccable, as usual, and so is the style of the whole film. I now have requests for pyjamas that match the bedsheets! Also, a highly entertaining bit of acting from a very young Jack Nicholson. This was actually a very complex, multi-layered film which I probably would have enjoyed a lot more if there hadn’t been any singing.

On A Clear Day Jack Nicholson

Morgan: This film was interesting, confusing and stylish all at once! A perfect film for those who are fans of Barbra Streisand, musicals, very chić fashion and floral print everything. It’s long but good.

Gable: This film had a very interesting and unique storyline, which I quite enjoyed. It also had adorable fashion that matched the rest of the outfit and Daisy’s bedding. I am a fan of both Barbara Streisand and the idea of reincarnation, which made this film all the more interesting for me. I suggest to everyone, especially those who don’t know what reincarnation is or don’t believe in it.

On A Clear Day Daisy apt-2 bed-pj-match

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Brigette Reviews Zero Waste Home

Zero Waste Home: The Ultimate Guide To Simplifying Your Life By Reducing Your Waste by Bea Johnson

zero waste home

I picked this book up because I had seen a video clip of Bea talking about what clothes you need in a zero waste home. I could no longer find the clip, so I figured I’d check the book. I think the book raises some really good points and makes some excellent suggestions on how to reduce your waste, but I also think it is unrealistic in other regards. I suppose it was just what her family has done and won’t apply to everyone. I think the best advice she gives is the redone 5 R’s: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, rot. Her blog has some good stuff on it too.

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Pete and Brigette Review Only Lovers Left Alive

Only Lovers Left Alive


Pete: This is more a piece of art than a film. If you only ever watch one film in your life it needs to be this one. I’m going to seek out more films by Jim Jarmusch. I’d pair Alewerks Brewery Company’s Lover’s Greed Wild Ale with this film. There was a lot of architectural eye candy in this film. Here are a few of them:


Jack White’s House

OnlyLoversLeftAlive-archi Adams House

Adam’s House (feel free to piss in the garden)


Michigan Theater turned parking lot

Brigette: I know what you’re thinking. But, Brigette, this is a Jim Jarmusch film which means it’s going to be all weird and avant garde. And I’m totally over that whole vampires-in-love nonsense. The genre has been overdone. And I would say to you: Just watch it, you won’t be sorry. This was the only film I really wanted to see this year and it did not disappoint. The soundtrack is just as awesome and we’ve put most of it over on Spotify for you to listen to. The other 2 songs can be found on YouTube here:
Little Village by Bill Laswell
Harissa by Kasbah Rockers

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The Family Reviews Beetlejuice



Brigette: Didn’t really remember how inappropriate this film was until we were already watching it with Gran and the kids. I still love it though and think it is one of Tim Burton’s better films. And the fact that it introduced me to Harry Belafonte makes me love it all the more.

Morgan: As with all Tim Burton films, Beetlejuice was creepy, whimsical and funny all at once. I would not suggest watching it with your grandmother (as I did) but I think it got a laugh out of everyone and was interesting and silly at the same time. Perfect Halloween film or a perfect film if you want something a little different to watch.

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Brigette Reviews The Girl With All The Gifts

The Girl With All The Gifts by M. R. Carey

girl with all the gifts

I am not a zombie genre fan, however, this one had enough heart to win me over. Written from 5 different points of view was fresh and thoughtful. And any book that references Dali and it’s not The Persistance Of Memory is just going to awesome. It will make you want to read Tales The Muses Told: Greek Myths by RL Green and play Grandmother’s Footsteps with your cherished little person even when they act like little monsters.

Autumnal Cannibalism 1936 by Salvador Dal? 1904-1989

Autumn Cannibalism by Salvador Dali

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