Tag Archives: Brigette

Brigette Reviews The Witch Of Blackbird Pond

The Witch Of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

witch of blackbird pond

I never had the good fortune of being assigned this book in school, but I wonder if I would have liked it as much if I had. This is one of the best fictional history books I’ve read. I will admit that it is very light on the history part, but I think it is a great way to introduce children to the religions, politics and general history of the time period because it is wrapped in such a great story. But probably the thing I liked best about it was the message about acceptance of differences in people and their lifestyles. It is geared toward girls as the main character is a 16 year old girl. I think she is just as relatable to girls now days which makes it all the better. I was previewing this before letting the girls read it and now I’m sorry we didn’t read it together because I really want to talk to someone about it over some blueberry cornmeal cake!

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The Family Reviews The Goonies

The Goonies


Pete: This was the fourth time I’ve watched this film. I love the fact that it has something for everyone and I still believe it to be one of Spielberg’s finest stories. A true classic. I’d recommend Bricktown Brewery’s Wiley’s One-Eyed Wheat. Good luck hunting it down.

Brigette: I couldn’t convince Morgan to watch this one. Luckily, it was Gable’s birthday film of choice. And Morgan enjoyed it, along with everyone else. I have seen this film many times and I never tire of it. It holds a special place in my heart.

Morgan: I thought that this film was going to be a stupid, boring, boy’s movie… But I was wrong. It ended up being an action-packed, adventure film with lots of gasps and laughs throughout. I have to admit that I even actually enjoyed it! Even if you’re a girl, I would suggest it to you especially if you like adventure, action and a bit of humor (even if some of it IS a little boyish).

Gable: I had been hanging out for this film for a really long time but Morgan had never wanted to watch it. Finally, we watched it for my birthday and I really liked it. It was intense and funny at the same time, although it still left a couple of questions unanswered for me. It was still a very good film and I suggest it to everyone over 8 years old (it may be too scary for younger kids), boy or girl.

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The Family Reviews Coraline

Coraline by Neil Gaiman


Pete: Being written as a book for children I thought this was going to be enjoyable and easy to read. Unfortunately it was only the latter. I’m not sure why but I found the supernatural side of it not as intense as I normally would. It was rather predictable and could have been more interesting or terrifying than it was. I’m yet to see the film but would like to and I also plan to hunt down Gaiman’s “The Sandman” graphic novel. I’d suggest anything from Cellar Rats Brewery with this one.

Brigette: I found this book overly simplistic and reminiscent of many other classic novels such as Alice In Wonderland, The Wizard Of Oz and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I saw the film adaptation a few years ago and much preferred it to the book. The creepy factor is found mostly in the illustrations in some editions.

Morgan: At first, I thought this book was just going to take a while to get into but in the end, it was a bit of a disappointment. It was too simplistically written to the point where it was predictable. I will admit that it WAS a little creepy and weird at the end but I was still unsatisfied.

Gable: I was expecting this book to be super creepy because I watched the trailer for the film adaptation of it when I was younger and that was so scary I could not bring myself to watch the film itself. Surprisingly, the book was actually quite lame. I guess it would be super freaky for toddlers, but also an easy read. I think I was just far too old for it and it so all the fun and excitement it would have in store for younger readers was gone for me. The last few chapters were quite scary and intense but not as much as I was expecting from it. I would now really like to watch the film and see how scary it was compared to the book.

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Brigette Reviews The First Four Years

The First Four Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder


If you are reading this series with children, you should give this one a miss. It was published as Laura’s unedited manuscript after Rose (Laura and Almanzo’s daughter) died. The voice is so completely different in this one that it tarnished the rest of the series for me. I grew accustomed to the saccharine quality of them that this one felt almost bitter. There was never a shortage of hard times in the other books, but everything always seemed to right itself in the end. This one just felt hard and devoid of much joy or love. I want to go on believing the Ingalls family led a slightly charmed life together and that it didn’t stop when Laura became a Wilder. I hesitate to read the other two books Laura wrote for fear of more of the same as this one.

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The Family Reviews Brigadoon



Pete: I tried being lenient on this film, mostly because it is 60 years old. In short: it put me to sleep. Too much tap-dancing, too many songs that dragged on and on. It’s only saving grace was Jeff Douglas’ cynicism and dry wit. I was happy to watch it with the rest of my family as I think we made the most of it by taking the mickey out of it. If you want to watch it, I’d do so with a keg (or at least a few bottles) of Williams Brothers Brewing Company’s Fraoch Heather Ale and laugh along with Jeff. (You might be able to find this one at your quality craft beer outlet as it is available worldwide.) My favorite architectural detail were the thatched roof Scottish cottages.


Brigette: I wonder why so many classic films are musicals. If you can answer this question for me, I’d really appreciate it. I’m not a huge fan of them, but Van Johnson’s character Jeff Douglas made it worth all the singing and dancing I had to endure. Note to screenwriters: This film is screaming out to be remade (minus the singing and dancing).

Gable: This film was a little less interesting then I had expected it to be. I’m a sucker for time-travel stories that involve themselves with love. The singing got on my nerves pretty quickly but that was practically the only downfall of it. My favorite character was Jeff because he was just so funny but I was also a fan of Tommy because I was a lot like him in some ways. It was a good movie but I don’t necessarily recommend to everyone.

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Brigette Reviews These Happy Golden Years

These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder

these happy golden years

I’m reading the Little House series with the girls this year and I think this one has affected me the most. Gable lost interest when Laura surpassed her in age a couple of books back. But I found this one the most thought provoking in that I’m beginning to think about what it will be like when the girls grow up and move out of the family home. It’s not something I’ve ever given much serious thought to, but this book really made me think. Especially what it will be like to open our hearts and our lives to whoever they fall in love with. Pa had some great advice and I’m hoping the next one reassures me that it will all be okay. I’ll be consoling myself with taffy in the meantime…

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Pete and Brigette Review Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier


Pete: Marvel continue to do exactly what their name states. The only major issue I had with this film was the camera work on some of the action scenes early on were choppy and difficult to focus on. Apart from that it was entertaining without being overly patriotic and provided a great message. Architecturally; The S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ is proof that evil people like working in poorly designed buildings. I’d recommend sipping on Berkshire Brewing Company Inc.’s Franklin Land Trust Preservation Ale.

Captain America TWS archi-detail SHIELD HQ

Captain America TWS SHIELD HQ wind tunnel

Brigette: A very entertaining comic book adaptation with plenty of heart. Steve Rogers grows on me more and more. Nice change of pace for Robert Redford too.

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Brigette, Morgan and Gable Review Little Town On The Prairie

Little Town On The Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

little town on the prairie

Brigette: Like the other books in the series, this one is chock full of interesting information from Laura Ingalls’ life in De Smet, South Dakota. What I would give to get my hands on Ma’s dressmaker’s chart! There are some exciting developments and everyone is growing up so fast! You may lose some of the younger readers on this one, but the older ones will definitely appreciate it.

Morgan: This book is one of my favorites of the Little House on the Prairie series. I found that I could relate to Laura a lot in this book. It explores what life was like as a teenaged girl in the pioneer period and is perfect for older girls interested in these times.

Gable: I loved this book at first but it got boring around the middle. The end was exciting and I cannot wait to read the next one in the series, although I do prefer the earlier ones over this one. This one is more about feelings and emotions, because Laura is getting older and experiencing more of those, but the others were more about their lifestyle, which I suppose I found more interesting somehow.

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Brigette Reviews The Opposite Of Loneliness

The Opposite Of Loneliness: Essays And Stories by Marina Keegan


I don’t usually read short story or essay compilations, but when I heard the story behind it, I couldn’t resist. I have to admit that the fiction left me feeling like I was in a bad teenage sitcom but I found the non-fiction to have a clarity and depth I’ve not seen in some time. Great reminder to pursue your dreams as you never know how long you have in this life.

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The Family Reviews 101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure

101 Dalmatians II: Patch’s London Adventure


Pete: After the first few minutes of this film I thought it was going to be an animated musical over-kill. Fortunately they held back on the majority of the music until the closing credits. It turned out to be a very cute and adorable film with a great message for everyone. I’d recommend sipping on Almanac Beer Company’s Dogpatch Sour Barrel Aged Wild Ale whilst watching this film with dog lovers. Loved this shot too!

Thunderbolt has an idea

Brigette: Great little sequel to 101 Dalmatians. Highly recommended to children from large families who feel a bit neglected at times or to children who have a difficult time differentiating TV from reality. I really loved Martin Short as the voice of Lars and encourage you to try you hand at some spotty art that would drive Cruella Deville mad!


Morgan: This film focused on Patch and his admiration for his favorite TV star: Thunderbolt. I sort of preferred the first film but this one wasn’t bad either. There’s plenty of action and comedy through the whole film so the whole family can enjoy it.

Gable: I much preferred this film over the first one. It had a very meaningful message and I suggest it to all small children with huge idols and any actors or wannabes. It was a very cute and meaningful story with adorable visuals and some funny parts here and there. Perfect for everyone and anyone. I highly recommend it!

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